Want to start out by saying thank you. Thank you for all your love and continued support as this shop goes on its winding journey. It is so appreciated.
This little small shop has been through so many twists, turns, ups and downs, leading to where it is now. It started out as a group of wonderful friends who came together to bring you apparel and accessories inspired by the things we loved. This group is still wonderful friends, and so loved, but life has taken them all on different paths.
As we all know these past two years have sent us all through the ringer in some form or another, and here at CMC we are no exception. Life has been crazy, irregular, unruly, calm at times, and, mostly, insightful. It has put so many things into perspective and caused us to really look at what is important to us, what brings us joy, and where life is taking us.
With this happening in each of our lives we have had an ongoing conversation of what it all means for CMC. It has meant that our little beloved band of magical creators are going our separate ways, following what brings true joy to our lives, and what we think is the next right step for each of us.
However, it does not mean that CMC is going away. I, KP, have decided to take the shop over and continue to run it. I do believe that this small shop is still a part of the next steps in my journey. I will miss collaborating and creating with Carolyn, and Rusty, as they were amazing to work with, but am happy they are doing what is best for them. There is still so much love between us and trips to the parks together are surely in our future.
I am excited for what lies ahead, and so grateful for what lies behind. So cheers to the future, and continuing to bring you apparel and accessories to help make everyday a core memory day.